Sunday, June 22, 2008

Safety For Your Pet Parrot

Your parrot relies on you, the owner, in providing a safe environment. As a responsible parrot owner, it is your duty to see that this is provided. Medicine and chemicals are to be stored safely in cabinets and out of reach of your free flying parrot. Keep watch on your parrot whenever you let it out of its cage. Parrots are instinctive and curious birds and will cause harm to themselves in the house if they are not watched.

Window curtains and coverings are to be properly secured. Make sure that all cords are out of reach and not knotted or looped as your curious bird could get itself entangled. Parrots are known for their fondness of knots so you need to make sure it is safe.

Replace all damaged parts of a toy as this is harmful if chewed and swallowed. Examine the toys each day and ensure that they do not cause any danger. Ensure that perches are in good condition and affixed correctly. Visit the veterinarian immediately if you suspect that a piece of a toy has been swallowed and your bird behaves abnormally.

Even if you use a carrier while traveling in a car with your bird, ensure that a seat belt is used. This is to prevent the carrier from rolling forward and cause shock to your bird should you brake suddenly. It is also a good idea to prop up the cage so that your bird is able to see out of the window while you are driving. If for some reason the bird is frightful of traveling in a car, use a blanket to cover the carrier.

Keep a list of important phone numbers in case of an emergency. This would include the veterinarian emergency number, bird specialists and fellow bird enthusiasts should you need to consult them for some apparent reason.

Educate your family members on bird care and what is dangerous to birds such as soap powder, liquid detergent, rat poison, glue, ceiling fans, etc. Ensure that these are not exposed whenever the bird is out of its cage.

Develop a disaster action plan. Keep stock of bird food and other supplies in the house in case you are not able to go to the pet store due to bad weather like a snow storm, windy season or floods. Find alternative pet stores to widen your supply base. Learn to perform minor medical treatment in case your bird injures itself during bad weather and you are not able to rush to the vet. Keep stock of bird medication. Talk to your vet and find out what are the likely ailments your bird could suffer and what you could do about it in case a vet is not immediately contactable.

Azmi Adnan is a writer and a bird enthusiast. Subscribe to his newsletter for fresh video clips on parrots and other bird species, ezines and interesting bird stories at his website

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Tips To Owning A Quiet Bird

When most people hear "parrot", they cringe and think of days down the road when they'll be needing hearing aids. That cute parrot can quickly turn into your worst nightmare. And while parrots can be loud screamers, most owners do not realize that they are usually the reason for the screaming. No bird will ever be truly quiet; however with a little work from you your bird could become a soft talking feathered friend. Here are a few tips to help you achieve that quiet dream bird.

Spend Time with Your Bird

Birds will scream if they're lonely. They call for their flock mates. If you and your family are in the living room watching TV and your bird is in the room down the hall, more than likely you have a very loud screamer. Try moving your bird's cage to a place where the entire family can get together.

Buy a Bigger Cage

If you and your family are out of the house for most of the day, more than likely your bird is stuck in its cage. Try getting a larger quality cage that will last, it may cost a bit more but it's worth it in the long run. More space allows for more exercise and more toys to help cure some boredom.

Build a Play Area

A play area is a wonderful way to cure screaming. This can consist of a simple stand with food/water cups to a large tree with toys. Your bird will enjoy getting to spend time out of its cage.

Don't Yell At Your Bird

When a bird is screaming to get its owners attention, most of the time the reaction is to yell "SHUT UP!" or "BE QUIET!" at the bird. To your bird this sounds a lot like you're joining in on the scream fest! This can create even louder screaming! Try whispering instead, if a bird is screaming and you whisper then it has to lower its voice to hear you talk.

Don't Reward Your Bird for Being Loud

Another common mistake owners are guilty of is stuffing a nut or piece of fruit in your bird's mouth when it's screaming. A treat stops the screaming, but guess what? You just rewarded your bird for screaming. Your bird will soon learn to scream every time it wants something. Like a spoiled child they want it and they want it NOW!

Try Taking Your Bird with You

Providing your bird has its wings clipped or will wear a bird harness, try taking your bird with on family outings. If you're going to the park take your bird with you! An acrylic bird carrier is an affordable investment and you will enjoy a quieter and happier bird.

And the most important tip -

Don't own a bird if you're never home, it's not fair to the bird. Parrots can have the mental capacity of a 3 or 4 year old and do get bored, frustrated and angry sitting in a cage all day. This is the main cause of screaming and biting.

Angela has been working with birds for over 15 years. Along the way she has learned much about the feathered kind and strives to help those with troubled parrots.

More tips and supplies can be found at her website -

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Owning An African Grey Parrot

Owning an African Grey Parrot is just like owning any other pet; they need regular cleaning, feeding and lots of attention. They can be very affectionate and form a strong bond with you. They have a fantastic character and it is said that King Henry Vlll used to keep African Grey parrots as pets.

I have owned my African Grey (Henry) for 22 years; they can live for up to 80 years believe it or not. Henry speaks in my voice, he can count, sing, (very loudly), whistle and when the phone rings he mimics how I would answer the phone. The latest thing he does is the sound of a cuckoo, which baffled us for a while until we realized he was mimicking the new front door bell!! He is really cheeky especially at our meal times he bangs on his door until he has something to eat too.

African Greys do need quite a lot of stimulation and like to be entertained, we moved Henry's cage from the living room to the kitchen but he did not like it at all as I think there was not enough going on in there, so he has been moved back. You can get some really good puzzles & toys to keep their minds busy. These toys work best if rotated to keep these highly intelligent birds happy. Although saying that when we put anything new in Henry's cage he will not touch it for about a week until he gets used to it.

The cage you are going to keep your bird in is quite important as it needs to be very sturdy and be big enough for your parrots needs. I brought a lovely about six months ago: this was a real high-quality parrot cage made from finest steel and is finished with a non-toxic, powder coated paint. It has a slide-out tray with grill across for easy cleaning and easy access feeding. It also has a large front and top access door for easy access. It took Henry a few days to get used to it, but he loves it now.

I feed Henry on dry natural seed and nut mix; he especially loves monkey nuts, he cracks the shell open seems to enjoy them very much. I also give him fresh fruit & vegetables to ensure he gets all of the vitamins he needs. I do let him out and he sits on top of the cage watching what everyone is doing and occasionally asking for a biscuit!!, But I always make sure the door and windows are shut as this is how I lost a previous bird.

I have now insured my bird which is great. So if one of my animals needs vet treatment now at least I know I won't have to re-mortgage the house!!! visit for great deals on exotic pet insurance.

Owning an African Grey Parrot is very rewarding and can be a friend for life.

Lorraine, along with having too many pets, has just rescued a bearded dragon!! I have a pet insurance website that has great offers from our leading suppliers and lots of information on insuring your pet for less. Learn more by visiting my site at

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Training Your Pet Parrot

Training your pet parrot can be a rewarding experience, just as training a dog or cat would. The difference with your pet parrot is that it can talk, or actually repeat the words that you taught the bird to speak. It will be much easier if your pet parrot was hand raised prior to its purchase, as compared to the bird being raised by its own parents.

Earning your bird's trust is the first step. Once that is established, work hard to keep it. Do not ever discipline your bird using force, because it will take a long time, if ever, for the bird to trust you again. Whenever you need to discipline a bird, look at it straight in the eye and say 'No' with a stern voice. If it continues to misbehave and start to make loud screams, cover its cage for a while.

Uncover the cage and watch your bird's behavior. Approach your bird slowly while looking straight at the bird's eyes. Slowly slip your hand into the cage and leave it there and watch the bird's reaction. If your parrot attacks you, keep doing this for the next few days. Before long, your parrot will calm down and start to accept you again. You may use a perch or stick, or even a toy, if you do not want to get yourself injured. As you approach the bird with your hand, caress its belly with gentle strokes. Once the bird has gained your trust, it will hop onto your fingers. Use words like 'up' to get your bird perched on your hands.

Once your bird has gained your trust, you are in a great position to start training your bird to talk. Start with simple words like 'hello' or the bird's own name like 'polly'. Slowly use easy to pronounce words and repeat frequently. You can also use training tapes to teach your bird to talk. Cover the cage and play the tape on your recorder or CD player. You can even teach the bird to sing if you repeatedly play a music tape or CD. The best time to do this is early in the morning.

The best period to teach a parrot to talk is between 4 to 6 months of age. Older parrots may take a slightly longer time to master the words. But one thing is for sure, you'll have loads of fun and satisfaction doing it.

Azmi Adnan is a writer and a bird enthusiast. Subscribe to his newsletter for fresh video clips on parrots and other bird species, ezines and interesting bird stories at his website

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Tips For Clipping Your Bird's Wings

Do you have a pet bird? If so, you might be considering the possibility of clipping your pet's wings. Within the world of pet bird owners, the subject of wing clipping is a bit controversial. While many specialists recommend clipping the wings of captive birds, some believe it is the wrong thing to do. Therefore, before you learn how to clip your bird's wings, it is a good idea to explore the pros and cons of wing clipping.

Benefits of Wing Clipping

One of the obvious benefits to wing clipping is the fact that clipping your bird's wings makes it difficult for it to fly away. As such, clipping is a good way to keep your pet bird safe from accidentally flying away and being lost forever. Clipping your bird's wings also helps to keep your pet bird safe, as flying around indoors can be dangerous. It is important to note, however, that a bird with clipped wings is still capable of flying. Basically, clipping slows the bird down and causes it to fly in a clumsier manner. Therefore, clipping should not be considered a foolproof method of preventing flight.

Some bird owners support wing clipping because they feel it helps them bond with their pet. After all, when your bird's wings are clipped, it becomes more dependent upon its owner to take care of it. There is no true evidence, however, to support this theory.

Drawbacks of Wing Clipping

Although clipping your bird's wings can prevent it from flying away, some bird lovers are afraid that clipping a bird's wings causes psychological as well as physical damage to the bird. In addition, after clipping a bird's wings, the bird is no longer able to get a good workout. Therefore, those that are against wing clipping feel that the lack of exercise is more detrimental to the bird than the potential dangers associated with being able to fly freely. Of course, clipping the wings of a bird can also detract from the pet's physical beauty because of the feathers it is missing.

Clipping Your Bird's Wings

When clipping your pet bird's wings, it is best to wrap the bird in a towel and to have one person hold the bird while another person clips the wings. The scissors used to clip the wings should be nice and sharp in order to create a smooth cut.

The only feathers that need to be cut are the outer six or seven on the bird's wings, as these are referred to as the "flight feathers." It is, however, ok to clip back more than just these few feathers.

You should check your bird's feathers about once per month to see if they need to be trimmed again, as they do grow back rather quickly. Once the bird is able to fly more than a few feet, it is a good sign that the feathers should be clipped again.

Before you clip your bird's wings for the first time, it is a good idea to have your vet perform the clipping while you watch. This way, you will have a clear idea about how far you should clip the feathers and which feathers need to be clipped and your pet bird can be safe and healthy.

CS Swarens is the president of Find a Pet Online. 800 998-7065

For additional information on dogs, cats, birds, horses, and exotic pets visit the internet's pet resource including pet classifieds at

Research bird breeds at

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The Scarlet Macaw - is This Parrot the Right Pet Bird For You?

No pet birds are more beautiful or intelligent than the Scarlet Macaw parrot. But they take a certain kind of pet keeper to provide the right kind of care. Do you think you can handle the challenge of raising and caring for this amazing parrot?

The Scarlet Macaw is truly a sight to behold. He's a striking scarlet red, with blue and yellow feathers mixed in around his wings and tail. And he carries a distinctive white patch around his eyes. Including his tail, he can be up to 36 inches (3 feet long), so he requires a very large cage.

Parrot Cages

Parrot cages are not cheap. They should be at least 3 feet x 3 feet x 6 feet and made of durable, unpainted metal. This will enable them to stretch their wings to their full span, which is vital for their health and well-being.

For sanitary and health reasons, you'll need to thoroughly clean the cage at least once a week, which can be quite a challenge. But over time you'll get used to it.

Ideally the cage will have a large perch mounted on the outside. This will allow them to spend time outside of their cage during the day.

For both mental stimulation and beak maintenance, you should provide your parrot with a wide variety of toys to play and chew on.

Human Interaction

Scarlet Macaws are highly intelligent and require a good deal of human attention every day. If they don't receive enough attention, there can be problems. They will become depressed, nervously chew on their feathers and skin, engage in constant squawking, and attack anyone who comes near them.

If there's no one home during the day in your household, then a parrot is probably not the right pet for you. And children will need to be supervised anytime they're around a parrot -- for both the child's and the bird's safety.

Price Tag

Scarlet Macaws don't come cheap. They cost anywhere from $1500 -- $3000. When you add in the cost of the cage and supplies you're looking at a pretty hefty price tag. And they require regular veterinarian visits too -- make sure you have a veterinarian in your area who is qualified to care for parrots.

Parrots Can Live 40 - 80 Years

Are you prepared to care for your Scarlet Macaw for at least the next 40 years? It's quite a commitment, and is definitely not for everyone. It takes a special kind of pet keeper to own a parrot -- and they're a special kind of pet.

Learn even more about the Scarlet Macaw at - a website designed to provide you with articles on Pet Birds and resources that will help you get the most out of your pet keeping experience, no matter what type of pet you own.

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Cora Hartshorn Arboretum and Bird Sanctuary

The Cora Hartshorn Arboretum and Bird Sanctuary is a treasured and valued part of the Millburn-Short Hills community. Founded in 1923 by Cora Hartshorn, the Hartshorn Arboretum is frequented by children and adults alike, appealing to all sorts of people with its historic woodland garden and educational motives.

The mission of the Hartshorn Arboretum is to encourage an understanding of the connection people share with the environment. In order to achieve this mission, the Cora Hartshorn Arboretum provides programs that combine the arts, sciences, and the humanities. The Arboretum executes four central functions: education, outreach, research, and zoological and horticultural display. Additionally, the Arboretum assists the local schools and community institutions as well as citizens of all ages.

This impressive arboretum hosts 45 species of trees, one of the state's greatest groupings of wildflowers (more than 150 kinds), 100 species of birds, rare ferns, and 275 year old tulip trees. The glacier-created natural amphitheater is only one of the unique geological features boasted by the arboretum. It is also one of the official monarch butterfly tagging and observation sites. The arboretum provides nature and environment classes that are one semester in duration, which is a unique service to be offered by an environmental center.

This oasis for migrating birds is committed to preserving the environment and educating the community. The Arboretum is supported entirely by the community and hard working volunteers. It is truly reflective of the mentality of much of the community in that it prioritizes education, understanding, and outreach. New home owners in the Millburn-Short Hills area will be happy to know that the community has a heart - as indicated by the brand new addition to the Cora Hartshorn Arboretum.

Shannon Aronson top Real Estate Agent in New Jersey.
For more essential information please visit

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