Sunday, June 22, 2008

Owning An African Grey Parrot

Owning an African Grey Parrot is just like owning any other pet; they need regular cleaning, feeding and lots of attention. They can be very affectionate and form a strong bond with you. They have a fantastic character and it is said that King Henry Vlll used to keep African Grey parrots as pets.

I have owned my African Grey (Henry) for 22 years; they can live for up to 80 years believe it or not. Henry speaks in my voice, he can count, sing, (very loudly), whistle and when the phone rings he mimics how I would answer the phone. The latest thing he does is the sound of a cuckoo, which baffled us for a while until we realized he was mimicking the new front door bell!! He is really cheeky especially at our meal times he bangs on his door until he has something to eat too.

African Greys do need quite a lot of stimulation and like to be entertained, we moved Henry's cage from the living room to the kitchen but he did not like it at all as I think there was not enough going on in there, so he has been moved back. You can get some really good puzzles & toys to keep their minds busy. These toys work best if rotated to keep these highly intelligent birds happy. Although saying that when we put anything new in Henry's cage he will not touch it for about a week until he gets used to it.

The cage you are going to keep your bird in is quite important as it needs to be very sturdy and be big enough for your parrots needs. I brought a lovely about six months ago: this was a real high-quality parrot cage made from finest steel and is finished with a non-toxic, powder coated paint. It has a slide-out tray with grill across for easy cleaning and easy access feeding. It also has a large front and top access door for easy access. It took Henry a few days to get used to it, but he loves it now.

I feed Henry on dry natural seed and nut mix; he especially loves monkey nuts, he cracks the shell open seems to enjoy them very much. I also give him fresh fruit & vegetables to ensure he gets all of the vitamins he needs. I do let him out and he sits on top of the cage watching what everyone is doing and occasionally asking for a biscuit!!, But I always make sure the door and windows are shut as this is how I lost a previous bird.

I have now insured my bird which is great. So if one of my animals needs vet treatment now at least I know I won't have to re-mortgage the house!!! visit for great deals on exotic pet insurance.

Owning an African Grey Parrot is very rewarding and can be a friend for life.

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